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Animals and Lifecycles - Lifecycle of a Human Being (Mammal)

Lifecycle of a human being

Before birth

A sperm cell from an adult male fertilises the egg inside the mother’s body. The fertilised egg develops and grows for 9 months and then the baby girl or boy is born.


Babies are aged 0 to 2 years. They depend on their parents or carers for everything.

They learn to recognise where they are, who the people around them are, and how to walk, talk and communicate.

New born babies have more bones in their bodies than adults do. As they grow their bones fuse, or grow together.


Children are aged 3 to 12 years.

Toddlers or small children know what they like to eat and what they like to do, and they learn to spend time with other children.

Older children can feed and dress themselves. They learn skills like reading, writing and how to get around in their world.

They are more independent.

Young person or adolescent

Adolescents are aged 13 to 18 years. They are learning a lot more about the world and the skills they will need as adults. In many countries teenagers are very independent and have their own friends and interests, but they may still live with their family. Some may have a part time job to help with family expenses, or to buy their own clothes and things they want.

Lifecycle of a human being part 2 >>